10 thoughts on “Cream Mushroom Chicken Potjie (User Submitted)

  1. Angie says:

    Added baby onions. By mistake I put in chili beef stock. Gave it a twist. Now I only use the chili beef stock. It is delicious

  2. Graeme de Villiers says:

    What a fantastic recipe! I made a few adjustments…

    Added 1.5 large onioins, sliced and 2 leeks, to go in with the bacon.
    Added fresh veggies instead of frozen.
    Mixed a brown onion soup packet with 500ml coconut cream (no oxtail soup in the UK!)
    Used a tin of chicken and mushroom soup to go with the onion soup.

    PERFECT… definitely the best chicken potjie I’ve ever tasted!

    • Willem Taljard says:

      Definitely how I’d do it. Apricots was the substitute for the onions. But both ways are yum. Enjoy.

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